Johnny English

johnny englshHave settled back into London,..and been asked to help out on the Johnny English Re-Born,… it’s a sequel,..I am looking after the “killer cleaner” – Graeme Johnston is designing, it’s modern day, but when I am not doing my principal, I am in the crowd room doing sleek MI5 types,.. all good,.. even if the locations are a bit cold.

Have been asked to help at RAM and the Guildhall. Cosi fan tutti at the Royal Acadamy of Music, sort of modern dress,..and a play at the Guildhall School of Drama and Music called Badenheim 1939 – there I am back in the 30’s !,..34 performers,.. each with a different look, and 20 minutes each to do the hair and make-up !, I tried to keep it simple, because at the end of the day I have been doing this for (ahem) over 20 years,and the students havn’t,.. it was quite fun to do, the designer was happy, and they have asked me back,…. but I do wonder about that,.. why don’t they ask the make-up schools to help out ???. Eileen Aitkens asked me to do her hair and make-up for a couple of photo shoots, it was lovely to catch up.. and at the end of the month, 5 days in New York,… weather was rubbish, but did see Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuworth in The Adamms Family, which I liked !!, and Julie Taymor’s Spiderman, which I am afraid I didn’t understand……